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Microsoft Operating Systems(4) Microsoft Windows 10 Home & Professional(2) Microsoft Windows 11 Home & Professional(2) Special Products(1) Windows 10 Home(1) Windows 10 Pro(1) Windows 11(2)
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License Version
1 CAL(0) 1 Device CAL(0) 1 License Level D(0) 1 License No Level(0) 1 User CAL(0) 1 User CAL | product license(0) 5 User CAL(0) Lifetime(0) Microsoft SQL Server 2019 1 User CAL(0) Microsoft SQL Server Standard(0) MIcrosoft Windows Server 2019 1 Device CAL(0) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 5 CAL(0) Premium Single License(0) Standard(0) Windows 10 Professional Lifetime(1)
DVD(4) DVD 32-bit(0) DVD 64-bit(0) ESD(3) ESD Auth Key(0) Medialess(0) Microsoft Office 365 Personal Physical - Retail Box(0) OEM(0) OEM Physical(0) Physical(1) Physical Retail Box(0) Retail ESD(1) USB(4)
Number of Cores
24 Cores(0) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard 1 Core(0) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard 16 Cores(0) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard 2 Cores(0) Microsoft Windows Server Standard 2019 4 Cores(0)
Operating System
Mac(0) Windows(0) Windows and Mac(0) Windows Only(0)
1 User CAL(0) 10 User CAL(0) 5 User Cal(0)
Year Subscriptions
1 Year(0) 3 Year(0) Annual(0) Monthly(0) Renewal(0) Visual Studio Enterprise(0)